Social Security and Medicare Services
We offer independent guidance on when to claim Social Security, how to manage health care costs, and which Medicare plan is best for you.

We educate you on available Social Security, Medicare and health insurance choices and how they impact your plan.

We look at your particular situation to help determine the best course of action for you.

Tax impacts
We also consider the tax effect related to Social Security and Medicare decisions.

We provide independent, commission-free recommendations on Social Security and Medicare decisions.
Maximize retirement income
Decisions about Social Security and Medicare impact how much income you’ll have available in retirement. We want to help you maximize your after-tax retirement income so that you’ll have more resources to put toward what brings you greater meaning.
Social Security and Medicare simplified
Utilizing our expertise we sort through the complexity of Social Security and Medicare to help you make informed decisions.
We believe good financial decisions start with clearly understanding your options.
Peace of mind
Proceed into retirement with confidence knowing you are making educated Social Security decisions.
Social Security and Medicare process:
Gather information
We gather your most recent Social Security statements, insurance and health-related information prior to making Social Security or Medicare decisions (at least three months prior to when you are considering applying). We also gather information on any need to fill gaps in health insurance prior to age 65 when eligible for Medicare.
Educate on options
After gathering information, we educate you on the pros/cons of different Social Security strategies, such as taking it early, at full retirement or delaying to the future. We also educate you on the pros/cons of Medigap or Medicare Advantage plans and any options for covering gaps in health insurance prior to Medicare (e.g. private, COBRA).
Present optimal Social Security and Medicare plans
After helping you understand the pros/cons of different Social Security, Medicare and related health insurance decisions, we present our recommendations and help you make an informed decision. We then explain the steps you need to take to make it happen and integrate these decisions into your overall financial plan.
Get started
Let us determine your optimal Social Security claiming strategy and provide guidance on your Medicare and health insurance decisions.