Real Wealth Score™

Experience a more complete perspective on wealth using our proprietary Real Wealth Score to measure your progress over time.

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Broaden perspective

Real wealth also includes quality relationships, education, sense of purpose, charitable giving, legacy and so much more.

Assess wealth

Perform a self-evaluation of the current state of your wealth.

Make a plan

Work with us to craft your custom financial plan that’s designed to increase your wealth over time.

dept management and wealth benefits

Track progress

Reevaluate your wealth at regular intervals to document growth over time.

Know your score

We have developed a proprietary, research-based assessment that calculates a standardized Real Wealth Score by evaluating not only your balance sheet relative to your needs but also the quality of your relationships, health, sense of purpose, charitable giving, legacy and more.

Attain real wealth

Your net worth only measures your financial situation. By evaluating and incorporating a broader definition of wealth, you will experience greater fulfillment.

  • Expand definition of wealth

    Knowing how to effectively measure the various components of wealth provides invaluable insight.

  • Increased fulfillment

    As your Real Wealth Score increases, you will see improvements in all areas of your life.

Real wealth score process:

  1. Assess your wealth

    Through consultation with experts in various components of wealth, we have developed a proprietary Real Wealth Score that allows you to evaluate yourself in each of these areas. The scores from the individual components are then aggregated to determine your overall score.

  2. Plan for improvement

    Based on your overall score and the relative results in each of the areas, you will work with us to develop a plan to strengthen the components in which you have the most room for improvement.

  3. Reevaluate regularly

    We will help you set intervals at which you can reevaluate your Real Wealth Score so you can determine if you are experiencing your desired improvement.

Get started

Calculate your Real Wealth Score and track your progress over time.

Start Now